Paintings and sculptures with sound Paintings and sculptures with sound ResonanceAcrylic on canvas, wood, guitar strings, and metal chimes110cm x 63cm x16 cm (There is a sound box behind the painting.) Reverberation (Remembering Fingal’s Cave)Acrylic on canvas board, wood, metal and guitar strings84cm x 78cm x 16cm (There is a sound box behind the painting.) ChimingMetal chimes, acrylic on board45cm x 55cm Meditation 1Acrylic, wood, metal chimes with wooden beater50cm x 38cm x 4.5cm Meditation 2Acrylic, wood, papier mache & metal chimes with wooden beater editation 3Wood & acrylic, metal chime with beater ConnectWood, acrylic & singing bowl Meditation 4Wood, metal bell